Why is the ACSOR website now a “access by subscription” website?

For over 25 years I’ve maintained the retirees website using my own funds. The services I use to keep the retirees website up and running have gone from affordable to ridiculous in the last couple of years and it now has become almost not worth it to pay for the various services that I use to keep it running and secure. This includes hosting, cloud backups, the mass mailing service and all the security that’s in place to guard your information from being gleaned by internet bots or attempted hacks to gain access to the site (average over 250 attempts a week). My service to put it together and keep it running, called “Administrative Services”, is the time (my time) it takes to keep it up and running – essentially a “no cost” service.

I know some of you are interested in keep in touch with what’s happening in the Agency by seeing the actual documents that are distributed other than what’s shown on social media. All the sheriff’s since I retired including the current Sheriff have given permission for Agency documents to be placed on the retirees website which includes Distribution “C”, Announcements and Transfer Lists.

To avoid shutting down the site and thanks to several suggestions submitted by fellow retires, the Retiree’s website (ACSOR) is now a “access by subscription only” website.

To help alleviate the costs associated with the site, I have set up a program that will allow you to make an annual subscription utilizing PayPal. One of the options to pay does not require you to have a PayPal account but during the process, you can opt to create one.

Because this is a new procedure, when you log in, you will see “Your account has expired.” with a link below to proceed to PayPal to pay for an annual subscription. Once the process is completed, you will be able to log in as usual. The cost will be $20/year for the first year. Subsequent annual subscription pricing will be determined on the response received.

Again, thanks to all who responded with some really good suggestions but I think this is the way to go for now.

Stay safe.

Your fellow retiree,
Dep. Eric Duran, retired (1974-1999)